
Saturday, 14 January 2012

Power Hammer Tooling

Here are some images of power hammer tools I have come across. Most of them are used in  the industrial forging industry. I find that most of the best top and bottom tools are used for industrial forging and then adapted to be used artistically.

All of the images below come from the Facebook profile of Roger Lund. Roger is an industrial blacksmith in Sweden.

Here is a cutoff tool used to hot cut bar under the hammer. Notice the slight recess in the bottom so that the metal is not totally cut through and flies across the shop. The end can then be twisted off. The handle is also bolted on so that it pivots and can come down square to the work without bending. I am sure this cuts down on vibration as well.

Here is a tong making bottom swage complete with a dimple to mark for the hole in the hinge plate. 

Here is a tenon swage with guides to ensure proper alignment.

A method of attaching swages to handles rather than welding. It involves drilling the swages out to 15 mm and inserting  12 mm bar that has been upset to 13-14 mm. You then run a round punch around the hole to secure the handle in. This apparently holds much longer than weld and reduces vibration up the handle.

More swage tools for making tong blanks. I will be making some of these soon.

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