
Friday, 1 April 2011

Copper speed study complete

Another study into movement. This time I am looking at pure velocity. It's polished copper flats with brass rivets. Let me know what you think. Does it look fast?


  1. Bob,

    Not sure if you were serious about folks letting you know what they think, but if you ask me, the wood base, while well shaped, is too visually weighty, and really anchors it. If you are going for a look of speed, I'd suggest lightening the base visually: perhaps a wide, thin arch of darkened steel, touching only minimally. Also, I think that if you elevate the piece up and get the bottom up off the deck, it will really fly. Tilt it. Make the visual connection to the earth as tenuous as possible. That is, in my opinion, what makes Simon the Spikey Spider (your taper tangle) so very successful.

    Just my two bits. ;)

  2. Agreed. The base was a last minute effort anyway. To tell you the truth, it was supposed to be elevated with three of the brass rivets being tenoned posts that supported it about 3/4" off the wood. However, I forgot to anneal the brass and two of them broke while being riveted. Not having time to turn new ones on the lathe, I went to plan B....."Simon the Spikey Spider". Like it!
